At GKEPS, we ‘Preserve and Protect’

Environmental Protection Services Gippsland and Victoria

GKEPS is an environmental protection service working to protect Gippsland and greater Victoria’s fully-functioning ecosystems from damage and preserve our native Australian environments. The services we provide for clients are all deeply informed by our guiding ecological and conservation principles, and each project is taken on with the greatest care to ensure that the least amount of environmental impact is felt by our presence and conservation efforts.

Whilst we offer a broad range of environmental protection services throughout Gippsland and Victoria, the core of our extensive, proven experience is in sensitive land area management, as well as the controlling of any invasive species which may act to disturb the sensitive ecological, biological, or cultural balance of an area.

To learn more, visit our service pages, email us at, or call us on 0447 599 398.

Why Are Environmental Protection Services Necessary?

As a species, we believe that humans have an ethical obligation to protect our environment and preserve our ecosystems. Sustainability, after all, takes a multifaceted approach, and whilst efforts to lower our environmental impact on a global level are invaluable in that process, so too are systems required to protect individual ecosystems and natural areas which could otherwise be directly or indirectly damaged by myriad human factors.

It is in the hands of the current generation to mitigate irreversible changes, whilst also ensuring the health, productivity and diversity of our environment as it is today. That way, the torch can be proverbially passed to future generations, who may otherwise not get the chance to experience these natural wonders in their current form without environmental protection services in areas like Gippsland and Victoria. You can learn more about our guiding principles here.

Our Services

The services we provide for clients are all deeply informed by our guiding ecological and conservation principles.


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0447 599 398

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